Excellence in Green Coffees Selection

Paolo Carrara had the first contacts with the coffee world in 1973, mainly due to collaboration with European Traders.

In 1998 Graziano Carrara begun working in this sector, leading to the creation of Carrara S.r.l. in 2006.

Today, we have daily commercial relations with Santo Domingo, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador as well as other Central Americans.

We also treat coffee from plenty of other Producing Countries, both directly as well as due to collaboration with some of the most important European Traders.

During this long years of experience in the sector, we specialized in plantations coffee without ever neglecting commercial qualities.

We have different contacts with Producers who have the possibility of exporting RFA/UTZ-certified coffee as well as bio-organic coffee.

Our clientele is made up mainly by Brokers and Italian raw-coffee brokers, but without neglecting contacts with External Buyers.


Also, we are grouped with Italy C.S.C. (Certified Special Coffee) since its constitution